At ROC, we offer top-quality sonography and ultrasound services for mother and child in our state-of-the-art facility.
Our team sonographers are certified by the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography, and have specialized expertise in high-risk obstetrics. They perform ultrasound examinations in collaboration with our Perinatologists who are experts in the area of high-risk pregnancy. ROC maintains accreditation and practice parameters of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. Our team includes thirteen diagnostic medical sonographers who are all registered in OB/GYN ultrasound and have obtained credentialing in CLEAR (Cervical Length Education and Review), Nuchal Translucency and NB (Nasal Bone). The majority of our sonographers are also registered in Fetal Echocardiography.
ROC is accredited by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine and has received certification through the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine to perform nuchal translucency measurements. This measurement is used for first trimester screening for Down Syndrome and Trisomy 18. Our staff includes ten diagnostic medical sonographers who are all registered in OB/GYN ultrasound. They have attained accreditation with the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, as well as certification in Nuchal Translucency for first trimester screening.
Schedule an ultrasound at ROC today!
What is Ultrasound?
Ultrasound is like ordinary sound except it has a frequency, or pitch, higher than people can hear. Ultrasound is sent into the body from a scanning instrument or transducer placed on the skin. The sound is reflected off structures inside the body, and is analyzed by a computer to produce an image of these structures on a monitor similar to a television screen. The moving pictures can be recorded on film. Diagnostic ultrasound is commonly called sonography or ultrasonography.
What is a “Targeted Ultrasound”?
A Targeted ultrasound is a detailed obstetric ultrasound examination performed to rule out a known or suspected fetal abnormality. It includes imaging the fetus from the tip of the head to the toes as well as a thorough evaluation of the placenta, and amniotic fluid. It requires advanced skill and knowledge of fetal anatomy.
What is an “Echo Ultrasound” and what are you looking for?
This is short for a fetal Echocardiogram. This is an in-depth ultrasound specific to the fetal heart. Some maternal histories or indications have a higher incidence of congenital heart defects or some patients may be referred because the fetal heart looks suspicious for cardiac abnormalities. Our sonographers and perinatologist will image and screen the fetal heart extensively for a wide range of heart anomalies or defects that can be detected prior to delivery. The required images and measurements are more advanced than the basic heart views obtained in an anatomy or targeted scan.
What is the difference between a Growth Ultrasound and a BPP?
A growth ultrasound is a follow up to your anatomy scan that includes certain measurements of the fetus to obtain an estimated fetal weight. This is typically performed at 3 week or 21-day intervals.
A BPP is a Biophysical Profile used to assess fetal well-being. The sonographer will monitor for fetal movement, fetal tone, fetal breathing movements, and measure amniotic fluid volume. This can be performed on a daily basis if necessary.
Are there any special preparations needed for the ultrasound examination?
In most cases, no special preparation is needed for the examination. In some cases, your doctor may recommend an endovaginal ultrasound study, which involves the use of a special transducer in your vagina, to improve visualization of your baby or your cervix.
Can I eat before my ultrasound or do I need to be fasting?
You can eat before your scan. Actually, drinking something cold or eating prior to your scan may make the fetus move more.
Who will perform the examination?
One of our Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographers will perform your ultrasound, and the images captured during the procedure will be reviewed and read by the doctor immediately following your ultrasound.
Will the ultrasound hurt?
There is no pain from an ultrasound examination. Patients may feel some pressure from an endovaginal ultrasound examination in which a probe is inserted into the patient's vagina; the probe is the size of a tampon and smaller than a speculum. The ultrasound examination does not affect your pregnancy. During the scanning procedure, a gel-like material is put on the patient's abdomen and a transducer is placed on the skin. The gel makes it possible for the ultrasound system to see through your skin into your body. The gel wipes off easily and does not usually stain clothing, but it is a good idea to wear clothes that are machine washable.
Can I see my baby move?
Your baby's heartbeat and the movement of his or her body, arms, and legs can be seen using ultrasound, depending on the age of the baby. Your baby can be seen moving during an ultrasound examination many weeks before you can feel movement.
Will I learn the sex of my baby?
Sometimes it is possible to see the sex of the baby and sometimes it is not. This will depend on how far along you are, as well as the positioning of the baby inside the womb at the time of the ultrasound.
Does an ultrasound examination guarantee a normal baby?
No, an ultrasound examination does not guarantee a normal baby. The ability to detect fetal abnormalities depends on many things. For instance, the size and position of your baby may not allow certain abnormalities to be seen. Additionally, some types of abnormalities cannot be seen because they are too small or not visible by ultrasound.
What is Doppler ultrasound?
Doppler ultrasound is a special form of ultrasound. This type of ultrasound is useful in evaluating blood flow to the pelvic organs and fetal vessels. The doctor or sonographer performing the scan can display this information in several ways. An audible sound may be used, or the blood flow may be shown as a graphic or color display. It is not painful. The decision to use Doppler ultrasound is often not made by the doctor until the time of the exam; for example, for further evaluation of the heart of the fetus. It is not considered harmful to the fetus.
Is ultrasound safe?
The AIUM has a Bioeffects Committee that meets regularly to consider safety issues and evaluate reports dealing with bioeffects and the safety of ultrasound. The AIUM has adopted the following official statement: "There are no known harmful effects associated with the medical use of sonography. Widespread clinical use of diagnostic ultrasound for many years has not revealed any harmful effects. Studies in humans have revealed no direct link between the use of diagnostic ultrasound and any adverse outcome. Although the possibility exists that biological effects may be identified in the future, current information indicates that the benefits to patients far outweigh the risks, if any.”